All 30-15IFT articles from the author in one post!

All 30-15IFT articles from the author in one post!

Here are a few free-for-download papers on the test English 20-yr review:  The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test – two decades of learnings 10-yr review: Buchheit - 30-15IFT - 10 yrs review (2000-2010) Variations in the protocol: Haydar-Assessing_COD_rec_with_30-15...

The 30-15IFT (2000)

The 30-15IFT (2000)

The 30-15 IFT is an incremental, intermittent running test designed to improve run-based high-intensity training prescription. In comparison with continuous and/or linear tests, using the final speed reached at the end of the test (VIFT) allows for lower...

30-15 IFT Performance across gender, age and playing standard

30-15 IFT Performance across gender, age and playing standard

Here are below two selections of performances at the test across representative sports and playing standards for men and female athletes, respectively. What can be seen from the graph is that VIFT (the final velocity at the end of the test) tends to increase with age...

Physiological characteristics of international female soccer players

Physiological characteristics of international female soccer players

Manson SA1, Brughelli M, Harris NK. Physiological characteristics of international female soccer players. J Strength Cond Res. 2014 Feb;28(2):308-18. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31829b56b1. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological characteristics of...

Les coaches de la Major League Soccer (USA) apprécient le 30-15IFT

Les coaches de la Major League Soccer (USA) apprécient le 30-15IFT

La Fédération Française de Football et la Major League Soccer, la ligue nord-américaine ont conclu il y a quelques mois un partenariat de formation. Durant 16 mois, 21 techniciens dont 19 issus des franchises de la MLS vont suivre une formation encadrée par la DTN...